Residential Solar Power - Your Own Renewable Energy Source

Residential solar power is the most common alternative energy that people make use of today to free themselves from the expensive energy sources being provided by private energy companies. With these ever increasing energy prices and the effect of carbon emissions on the environment, having your own renewable energy source is looking more and more attractive.

Although the initial outlay of a residential solar power system may be high, in the long term they can save you a great deal of money. Many home owners enjoy the independence they gain and the knowledge that their actions are helping the environment. A renewable energy home solar power system can be used to supply some or all of your home's electricity needs. Some home owners, especially in remote or isolated areas, use home solar power systems in place of electricity supplied to them from power companies.

As most appliances in our homes are reliant on electricity, it can be very useful to find out how to make your own residential solar power system, from which you can get most of your energy needs.

There are ways to help you make it a do-it-yourself project, where you can find cheap solar cells and make your own power source. Most the materials are available in your local shops, but nowadays they are even easier to find - and are even cheaper - online. This can keep down the installation costs too.

Most parts can be sourced on the Internet, including the solar panels, charge controller, power inverter, and batteries. You may also find solar panel kits if you are trying to keep the cost down. If you feel confident to have a go yourself, a good manual is essential - also available from many online sources.

Residential solar powered systems are fairly easy to maintain. Since most are positioned on the roof, about the only occasional maintenance that may be required would be to remove dirt and leaves once in a while, so that your system can continue to work at maximum efficiency.

Residential solar power systems are generally expected to last for a minimum of about 30 years. They are also silent to run and, of course, emission free, since they function by means of sunlight.

The two main types of residential solar power systems are either stand-alone systems, which are not wired to an electric grid, or a grid-tie system, which is connected to the electric grid as well. This latter system allows you to use electricity from the grid when your system falls short of power and also allows you to sell off any excess power you produce back to your utility company by means of credits. These two options make it easier to consider where to put your system.

The main component used in a home residential solar power system is the photovoltaic cells. These are electrically connected in a series arrangement to make sufficient electricity to be used to power your home appliances, heat your water, or to be stored in batteries. The photovoltaic cells will need to be bought for your system. The solar panels, on the other hand, can be built using widely available materials.

There are many significant advantages to a home residential solar power system, such as saving money and helping the environment. Solar power in recent years has made great strides forward, which means it is becoming more affordable for everyone. Gas and oil prices continue to rise, so turning to residential solar power is now a viable alternative.

Building your own residential solar power system can be challenging, so thorough research is needed to help you accomplish your project. However, the end result is well worth it, knowing you have your own green, renewable energy source independent of energy companies and doing your bit for the planet Earth at the same time.
Solar Heating Systems - A Beginners Guide
There are several reasons why you may want to install your own solar heating system.

Perhaps it is cost that attracts you? As energy prices continue to rise, harnessing power for free from the sun has a huge appeal.

Perhaps it is your environmental concerns that attract you to a solar heating system? A solar heating system emits no harmful CO2 into the atmosphere and is a renewable source of energy.

Or perhaps you just want to be independent from the energy companies? Not having to rely on outside influences for your energy, or worry about power failure, is very reassuring.

All the above are the main reasons for wanting to install your own solar heating system, which will have a significant positive effect on your pocket, the environment and the security of knowing you will have power when you want it. So where do you start once you have made the decision to go solar?

Firstly, it is a good idea to sit down and work out how much you spend on energy and how many people will be using it. This will help you to choose the right system for your home. Decide what methods you would like to take advantage of from solar energy.

You need to consider your location as well as which way the house faces. As most solar heating panels fit on the roof they need to be positioned facing maximum sunlight. Consider, too, the number of appliances you want to power. Once you have done this it is time to do some research to find the solar heating system that fits your needs and your budget. You can find information from some of the excellent, and inexpensive manuals available online to help you decide.

Secondly, once you have done this, your next step is to select the solar heating system suitable for your home. There are two main ways to harness solar power for domestic use. Solar heating modules that provide active water heating, and photovoltaic modules that actually generate electricity.

Solar water heating is the cheaper and more limited system.There are several different methods, but basically the solar panels fitted on your roof retain heat from the sun and transfer it to a fluid. A storage tank stores the hot water that is heated during the day. These systems are obviously reliant on the amount of sunlight the solar panels receive. So you may wish to continue to be grid-interconnected. This means that in times of inclement weather or above average use, you have the back up of taking power from the grid. This has an added bonus, that if you produce more power than you use, it can be sold back to the grid as credits.

Solar photovoltaic cells on your roof use sunlight to generate electricity. The electricity is collected and converted from DC to AC and then carried into your home electricity system. The photovoltaic modules come in different forms, shapes, and colors, and can even be made to look like tiles.  These are connected in a series arrangement to make sufficient electricity to be used to power your home, heat your water or be stored in batteries for later use.

Whichever system you choose it is worth contacting your local authority to check on planning permissions etc and check if there are any government incentives for green energy projects.

If you are trying to keep the cost down, you might attempt installing a solar heating system yourself. There are various DIY kits and manuals available. However, you will need some DIY skills, and the final connections to your home systems should not be attempted if you are not a qualified electrician. If you are not sure you can install the system safely, it is always best to seek a professional - and may even save you money in the long run.
Solar Panels for Homes
Solar panels for homes have gradually become more efficient and less expensive to install, particularly if you install them yourself. Many new homes are being built with solar panels on the roof that are less obvious than their predecessors. Today's solar panels can convert more energy and take up less space, making them much smaller and more unobtrusive.

The benefits of solar power energy in terms of lower energy bills and a cleaner environment are attracting more and more people to think about installing their own renewable source of electricity.

Solar panels for homes are also known as photovoltaic, or PV systems. They work by converting sunlight into electrical energy. Each solar panel is composed of a group of solar cells made of a semi-conductive material. This is usually crystalline silicon, which absorbs sunlight very efficiently.

The solar panels are made up in layers. Most of these panels have a protective layer at the top, a few layers of conductive cells, and a bottom layer of polymer backing.

Solar power panels can produce enough electricity in ideal conditions, to meet the requirements of an average home. They can heat the water, power the lights and appliances and heat your home. As well as power air conditioners to keep it cool.

How effective your home solar panel is depends on your location. Solar power panels for residential use are placed on whichever side of your house gets the most exposure to the sun. However, if your home does not get an average of 6 hours steady sunlight, you may not be able to produce sufficient power for all your needs.

Most homes opt for a grid-interconnected system. This allows you to be connected to the conventional grid to draw power from when you have a short fall. On the other hand if you manage to produce an excess of power, you can sell this back to your energy company in the form of credits.

Most of the work of installing a solar panel on your home is preparation. In most cases you will need to obtain building permits. If you do decide to be grid-interconnected, you will need to contact your energy company.

Once having decided to install a home solar panel, you have two choices. Do you fit it yourself or have a professional installer? Choosing to fit your solar panel yourself will certainly save on the cost. There are now many good DIY kits, manuals and self help DVDs on the market or Internet. All the materials required to build your own home solar panel are more readily available and Solar panel prices have started to come down.

One disadvantage of installing a solar panel yourself is that it leaves little room for error. If not properly installed, you run the risk of damage to your roof and fire if not electrically connected properly.

If however, you prefer to have a professional installer, there are now many companies experienced in this field. The advantage of having it installed for you are that you get the complete package from design to maintenance, with little involvement from you.

There are many advantages to investing in solar panels for home use. The obvious cost savings and environmental factors are only two. It has been shown that having solar powered energy in your home can actually increase it's value. This could make the initial outlay well worthwhile. And once installed you will no longer need to rely entirely on conventional electrical sources again.